Watch Streaming 超可動ガール1/6 AMAZING STRANGER ~ Episode 1 S1E1 Online #HD with English Subtitle Streaming

超可動ガール1/6 AMAZING STRANGER ~ Episode 1 S1E1

36229214872120512460125401252316 AMAZING STRANGER  Episode 1 S1E1 HD
36229214872120512460125401252316 AMAZING STRANGER  Episode 1 S1E1

0/10 by 0 users
Release Date:2019-04-06
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Stranger Things is cool, but ultimately disappointing. Though I love 80's horror and sci-fi as much as the next weirdo, I feel like if you're going to invoke such a loud stylistic lexicon you need to bring something new to the table, something of your own to balance the appropriation and allusion.

The first episode is intense, dense with promises of captivating plots to be revealed. All the 80's elements are there, and handled so well, I am giddy with anticipation—where will this show take me? The 80's horror vibe is so well captured I feel it can't be all there is; a show so fluent in this language must surely do something interesting with it. The rules and conventions of the genre are established in such a way as to convince me they will be played with or broken.

Alas. This show is as by the book as they come. As the narrative unfolds, the horror I feel most is, first, a suspicion, which slowly blooms into realization—the 80's mashup pastiche angle is sort of all there is. Some of the characters are engaging, and there is some fine acting, sure, particularly from the young Millie Bobbie Brown, as well as David Harbour, and, at times, Winona Ryder, but it is not enough to save the greater whole; this show does not transcend the shadow cast by its titanic genealogy.

In addition to heavy Stephen King, Steven Spielberg, and John Carpenter influences, other appropriated/allusive elements which deserve mention include: some watered-down Akira as the basis for Eleven's character/premise/backstory; an errant MK ULTRA namedrop; a sensory deprivation tank a la Altered States; shots (of Eleven in the "upside down") which look remarkably similar to some of those found in 2013's Under the Skin; a figure coming out of a wall as in the Frighteners... the list could probably go on.

Some of these ideas and elements might have worked if they weren't so flagrantly underdeveloped.

I was ready to like this show. I wanted to like it. I even tried to convince myself I liked it. People seem to enjoy it for the 80's throwbacks; I feel there is nothing else to it. Stranger Things invokes the style of the classics as if to count itself among them, but it plainly is not. I find it utterly forgettable.

If you are interested in contemporary work made using this vocabulary, and want something which does more than rearrange existing pieces, I would recommend It Follows, a movie every bit as good as the classics of the genre it draws from.

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